Yellow Nose Studio

water journal yellow nose studio

Yellow Nose Studio

Design & words by Yellow Nose Studio
Photography by
Bennie Julian Gay

Every Yellow Nose design is a quest for the perfect balance between the organic and inorganic, the logical and emotional, hand craftsmanship and industrial design. The studio recently introduced their new N-02 collection bringing the lightness and playfulness of a breezy afternoon tea session to life using solid earth materials in a modern yet elegant way: wood for the pagoda box inspired furniture and a ceramic tea set inspired by the Mono-ha movement. The furniture allows you to flip, turn, pull, take apart and reconstruct but most importantly it allows you to discover and imagine. Hidden spaces in the the stools contain our nature-like inspired tableware with its texture imitating the grain on gravels. This is a collection of interdependency between our hardheaded materials and the gentle use of colour, creating a breath of calm and delightfulness.


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